Thursday, 12 July 2012

Time Distortion

Apparently I'm not very good at tracking time as it has been almost three weeks since my last post.
There's really no way to tell.
One of the hardest classes I took in college was a philosophy of time course taught be a theoretical physicist-- the one thing I was sure about after that class was that I did not understand time. If you think about it, there's really almost no way to define the passage of time. We can measure speed in a number of ways, miles per hour, meters per second, jiffies, and many more, but lists work better in threes. It's also fairly easy to measure distance-- miles, meters, beardseconds... you name it. But how can we measure time? It's not like we can say a second passes at one second per second... or that an hour passes at 60 minutes per hour. It's like saying I'm exactly as tall as I am. This statement, while true, is not inherently useful. a link to the actual site, and some sort of clever comment
Furthermore, it's pretty difficult to distinguish temporal events. How do we quantify when something happened? How do I know that Batman Begins first premiered in 2005? I can't go back to that year and go see it for myself-- sure, a quick internet search told me that I was right but the internet also told me that being raised in large cities makes people gay ( ). My point is, that I'm fairly certain that certain things have happened in the past, but I have absolutely no proof other than my memory, and maybe the internet. Even things happening right now are hard to quantify, pretty much every experience we have is on a slight delay so what we perceive as "now" is a reaction to something that happened a split-second ago.
Your brain on Philosophy of time... not even once
Like I said, back in 2005 the world changed for the better-- Batman Begins... began. It then seemed like an eternity before The Dark Knight would be released, but when it was it seemed like Batman Begins had come  only come out the day before. And now, The Dark Knight Rises will come out in a week even though The Dark Knight only came out yesterday, and Batman Begins, the day before that. 
And in a year or two, the series will be rebooted
My point is, that when you have a lot going on sometimes time can slip away and you can forget to take the time to enjoy life. My ancillary point is that it's not my fault I haven't blogged in a while, it's times.

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