Friday, 15 June 2012

Apartments, Writing, and The Future

This week has been all sorts of exciting and I can't help but look forward to everything that is yet to come. I can't help but feel that my life is coming to its latest chapter-- things are changing in so many ways, and they are staying the same in all the ways that matter.
I'm pretty sure this is the place I'll be staying in

I've found what will become my home for the next year-- and I have to say I'm pretty excited.Although I'm moving a whole four blocks away from my girlfriend it is conceptually quite the large shift. Last year we lived in the same building and this summer we've been in the same house so four blocks is a relatively big shift. Granted, she also spent about 18 months in Florence, which by my estimations is at least 12 blocks away. Given that we did manage to survive the trans-continental relationship, I feel that we will make do with our four block distance. We might just have to rack up the frequent flyer miles.
If nothing else, it will be nice to have my first adult domicile. My mission to impersonate a responsible adult has begun.

Fifty more of these and I could be a rapper

I checked the stats for my blog today and I am officially making money! Granted, I have literally only earned one cent-- but still, that's about what I'll make as a teacher. I can now say that as a writer I have made $200.01! Most of that for editing-- some of it for a writing contest, and of course the one cent for being an amazing blogger. Much like teaching, writing has never been about the money for me. I love to do it, and I'd like to say I'm good at it. Of course you may beg to differ, but you can't argue with all of my earning.

In the future people can drive poorly
 at the altitude of their choosing

As a recent college graduate  I can't help but consider the future. My perspective now is that while I may not know exactly what the future holds for me, there are a few things I'm banking on. I view it as a gamble on what is to come-- a bet that I will do my best to make sure actually happens.

I'm staying in Spokane for the next year to sub (or maybe full-time teach, we'll see), to be with my ball and chain, and to hold on to some semblance of familiarity. The teaching speaks for itself; I love to do it, I'm good at it, and it will make me rich (rich because I plan to win the lottery while teaching).

The old ball and chain (Nikki) is a hugely important part of my life and I've decided that I want to wait for her to graduate-- not because she's slow, but because she's a year younger. Without delving too deeply into the realm of cheesiness, she is a wonderful person and I want to do everything I can to make our relationship work. We have been dating nine whole months, and I'm happy to say that we can celebrate the fact that there are no babies on the way.

Lastly, I've never really lived anywhere in the US other than Spokane and as such I might as well start my life out here. Plus, change is stupid. Nobody likes change.

A coaster wise beyond its years

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